Summary: New 4.0 MGD average flow wastewater treatment facility consisting of the following: New preliminary treatment facility; New preliminary effluent distribution box; New BNR basins with fine bubble diffusers, mixers, nitrified recycle pumps, waste activated sludge pumps, and process drain pumps; New blower building; New secondary clarifiers; New recycle activated sludge pump station; New chemical storage and feed facility; New drain pump station; New disk filters; New sodium hypochlorite facility; New effluent pump station; New cascade aerator; New maintenance building; New administration building
Summary: The principle process features will include a new 65 MGD Influent Pump Station, Preliminary Treatment Facility, Odor Control Facility and ductwork, a new 8.8MGal concrete Flow Equalization Tank; new sewers, force mains, valves and junction structures; a new complex for standby generators & switchgear; new underground feeders and electrical rooms; all new instruments & control panels
Summary: Construction of a new 24 MGD influent screening structure, influent pump station & grit removal facility. Construction of a new RAS/WAS pump station, precast electrical building, potable water booster pump station, side stream pump station, 36-inch influent sewer from the existing influent splitter box to the influent structure, 30-inch parallel aeration basin influent and a 36-inch influent to Secondary Clarifier No 4. Modifications to the existing chlorine contact chambers, demolition of the remaining internal structures and demolition of the slab of the existing trickling filters.
Summary: The project includes the construction of six (6) new BNR basins and conversion of twelve (12) existing aeration basins to BNR basins; including new diffusers, air piping, NRCY pumps, process piping, electrical and instrumentation in each basin. Also included are the complete removal, rebuild and installation of two (2) primary clarifier mechanisms and replacement of four (4) RAS pumps, piping and valves. Yard piping and civil upgrades are being made to support the WRF upgrades.
Summary: Expansion of the existing Twelve Mile Creek WWTP increasing plant capacity to 7.5 MGD. Modification of existing Influent Screening Structure, Construction of new Grit Removal Facility, Distribution Structure, Odor Control Facility, Blower Building, Conversion of existing oxidation ditches to diffused aeration tanks, Modifications to Effluent Filter tanks and Effluent Water Pumping Station, Construction of new UV Disinfection Facility, Cascade Aerator, Solids Handling Building, Modification to existing Digesters. Other work includes Process and Chemical Piping, Electrical and Instrumentation systems to support new facilities.
Valley Creek WWTP Energy and Process Optimization Improvements
Value: $24,159,000
Completed: 2020
Location: Bessemer, AL
Summary: The project includes several process upgrades to the existing 170 MGD capacity plant. Renovation of existing 2nd Stage Aeration, which includes modifications to the existing diffused aeration system and SST Air header pipe. New channel to connect existing effluent flume of 1st stage aeration to 2nd stage aeration. New digester mixing systems for 7 anaerobic digesters. New headworks septage receiving systems. New filtrate equalization pump system. New Gravity Belt Thickeners in place of existing centrifuge system. New Pumps for Pump Buildings A and B. Other work includes electrical and instrumentation upgrades throughout the plant.
Summary: Expansion of the existing South Central Regional WWTF, increasing plant capacity to 6 MGD. Construction of new Pretreatment Structure which includes new Stepscreens, grit system and classifiers and rotary drum fine screens. New 5 stage IFAS process train. 2 new 90′ dia. clarifiers. New disc filters. New chlorine contact tank. New 1.0 MG pre-stressed concrete reuse water tank and high service pump station. New sludge storage tank. New maintenance building and remodel existing Operations Building. Other work includes process and chemical piping, electrical and instrumentation systems.
Orange County Eastern Water Reclamation Facility Phase V
Value: $61,559,000
Completed: 2019
Location: Orlando, FL
Summary: The Phase V Improvements will provide facilities to enable re-rating the EWRF from 19 MGD to 24 MGD, based upon an annual average daily flowrate (AADF). Consisting of the following improvements as shown on the drawings and technical specifications: New Preliminary Treatment Structure and Odor Control, Aeration and Supplemental Carbon improvements to Phase I/II, III, and IV Biological Nutrient Removal trains, New Clarifier 11 and improvements to the Clarifier 10 and 11 RAS/WAS/SCUM pumping stations, New Chlorine Contact Tank, Improvements to Existing Phase III Effluent and In-Plant Reuse Pump Stations, Construct miscellaneous site improvements and yard piping associated with the new facilities, as shown on the drawings and specified herein, including yard piping, electric ductbanks and wiring, transformers, Electrical and Control system improvements.
Summary: Upgrades & expansion for the existing 5 MGD Front Royal WWTP. Demolish existing grit removal system and primary sludge pumping station and construct new headworks. Build a new cake storage building. Construct new primary clarifiers and process building. Modify existing aeration basins and construct a new post anoxic-reaeration basin. Construct new final clarifiers and recirculation pumping station. Construct a new UV disinfection system. Modify digesters and construct new post aeration tank. Modifiy existing ATAD tanks and construct a new ATAD building. Demolish and replace septage receiving station. Civil, Mechanical, Piping, Electrical and Instrumentation System improvements to support the WWTP upgrades.
Summary: The project includes construction of a 53 MGD Influent Pump Station, drilling a 1600 lineal foot sewer interceptor tunnel thru rock approximately 100 feet below the ground surface and decommissioning of an existing pump station. The project also includes related electrical, mechanical and instrumentation work.
Piscataway WWTP Storage and Headworks Improvements
Value: $41,362,000
Completed: 2016
Location: Accokeek, MD
Summary: Expansion of the existing Piscataway WWTP increasing plant capacity from 60 MGD to 120 MGD. Construction of new Headworks facilities which include an Influent Distribution Box, Screen Chamber, Grit Removal System, Storm Diversion Chamber. Sludge removal and rehabilitation of existing Storage Ponds. New 5 million gallon concrete Storage Tank and Emergency Storage Pond with geomembrane lining system. Other work includes Process and Chemical Piping, Electrical and Instrumentation systems to support new facililties.
Thomas P. Smith WRF Improvements – Phase 2 BNR Upgrades
Value: $18,700,000
Completed: 2015
Location: City of Tallahassee, FL
Summary: BNR upgrades at a 26MGD WWTP. Upgrades include complete changeover of BNR mechanical equipment including new baffle walls, mixers and diffused air systems for all six BNR basins. Also upgrades to six clarifiers. Related upgrades to yard piping and chemical buildings and chemical piping.
Summary: This project expands the existing plant capacity from 4 MGD to 6 MGD. Work includes new influent sewer, mechanical screens, influent pump station, grit removal, oxidation ditches, final clarifiers, chlorine contact structure and appurtenances. Also included are modifications to the existing SCADA, electrical system and aerobic digester.
Summary: Enhanced Nutrient Removal (“ENR”) upgrades for the existing 20 MGD Sod Run WWTP. Modify seven process reactor basins and construct one new basin. New pre-anoxic reactor basin for return activated sludge. New deep bed denitrification filters. New primary sludge fermentation facilities with an odor control system. New methanol, sodium hydroxide and ferric chloride feed and storage facilities. Demolish and replace RAS and WAS pump systems. Civil, Mechanical, Piping, Electrical and Instrumentation system improvements to support the WWTP upgrades.
Summary: New 37 MGD export pump station, new grinder structure, two new storage tanks with 10MG capacity, and convert existing pump station into a storage pump station.
Summary: Construct BNR upgrades including a backwash meter vault and storage facility, denitrification filters, chemical feed building, changes to secondary clarifiers, changes to reactor basins, new instrumentation, new process control system and associated yard piping and site work.
City of Panama City Beach Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion
Value: $15,600,000
Completed: 2011
Location: City of Panama City Beach, FL
Summary: Add ABW filter, aerobic digester and reject storage pond; modify influent pump station, four BNR units, RAS/WAS pumping, chlorine contact basin, chemical facilities, and replace sludge dewatering filter presses. Electrical and instrumentation upgrades, new generators and site modifications.
Waynesboro Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade and Expansion
Value: $32,300,000
Completed: 2010
Location: Waynesboro, VA
Summary: New influent pump station, preliminary treatment facility, two BNR tanks, process air blowers, two secondary clarifiers, denitrification filters, UV disinfection, solids dewatering facilities, chemical storage and feed, and administration and control buildings. These additions expanded capacity from 6 MGD to 18 MGD.
Summary: The project includes new denitrification filters, reuse backwash pumping, reclaim pump station, Air Scour Blowers and Sodium Hypochlorite Facility at a 50 MGD WWTP.
Summary: Expanded the 4.5 MGD plant to 6.0 MGD and upgraded the plant for Limit of Technology (“Lot”) nutrient removal. The project included two new 148’ diameter BNR tanks, new process air blowers, two new 105’ diameter secondary clarifiers, new denitrification filters, new ultraviolet disinfection facilities, new diurnal and 6 MG wet weather flow equalization facilities, new gravity belt thickening facilities, upgrade of alum storage and feed facilities, and new methanol and alternative carbon source storage and feed facilities.
Summary: The project consists of both new construction and rehab work of the existing plant. Construction includes a new aeration basin connected to an existing basin, a new pretreatment structure, a Membrane Bioreactor (“MBR”) structure and new operations building and a new storm water detention pond. The MBR replaced filtration typically performed by clarifiers and filters. This is a newer application of membrane technology, and is one of the first installed in Florida. The MBR is provided by GE – Zenon.
Summary: The project consists of both new construction and rehab work of the existing plant. Adams Robinson constructed a new Primary Clarifier and Aeration Tanks and rehabbed the existing Aeration Tanks and the Screw Pump Station.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion with Class A Egg Digester
Value: $25,100,000
Completed: 2009
Location: City of London
Summary: The project included constructing a new Preliminary Treatment Building, Primary Settling Tanks, Final Settling Tanks, Aeration Tank, Effluent Pump Station, Biofilter, Thickener Tank, Blower Building and Sludge Digestion Facility. The Project also included modifying the existing Final Settling Tanks, Aeration Tanks, Influent Pump Station, Sludge Concentration Building and the Administration Building. Chicago Bridge & Iron installed a Class A Egg Digester.
Summary: Install two Oxidation Ditches, two Clarifiers, UV and Tertiary Filter System, Screening Building and Control Building. Excavate and dispose of 23,000 CY of material off site. Restore site including seeding and new fence.
Southeast Water Reclamation Facility – Biosolids Dryer System
Value: $14,000,000
Completed: 2008
Location: Bradenton, FL
Summary: The project included the construction of a new Dryer Building to house sludge drying equipment. This project was designed to dry sludge from the Southeast Water Reclamation facility. Adams Robinson was the general contractor hired by Andritz-Ruthner who has the overall contract with Manatee County.
Summary: The project included the construction of a new 75’x150’x70’ tall Dryer Building and installation of Andritz sludge drying equipment. Also included in this project was an addition to the existing Dewatering Building, construction of a new truck scale and product silo structure, and the conversion of two existing digester tanks to Sludge Blending/Storage Tanks. This project was designed to dry the sludge from both the Elledge and Muddy Creek WWTP for more economical disposal by the owner.
Summary: The project includes modifications to the existing Headworks, North Grit Tank, North Primary Basins, South Primary Basins, East Digesters, Intermediate Pump Station and the Recirculation Pump Station. The existing Low Lift Pump Station requires extensive demolition work and rebuilding of the structure. Installation of a 54″ Recirculation Line with three vault structures. All the roadways were either seal coated or installed with new pavement. Eight existing concrete structures were demolished and backfilled.
Eastern Regional Reclaimed Water Distribution Project
Value: $8,400,000
Completed: 2007
Location: Orlando, FL
Summary: The project is located at the 40-MGD Iron Bridge Water Reclamation Facility. The work includes the construction of a 4-MG concrete Ground Storage Tank, a Transfer Pump Station with four 150-HP vertical turbine pumps, a High Service Pump Station with four 700-HP vertical turbine pumps, ductile iron yard piping up to 54-inch diameter, a new stormwater management system, and an Electrical Building housing variable frequency drives, switchgear, HVAC and a pump monitoring system. The project also includes all the electrical power systems, and instrumentation and control systems to provide a complete and functioning reuse system.
Summary: The improvements include the construction of a new Anoxic Selector Basin, Sludge Storage Tank, Secondary Clarifier, RAS/WAS Pump Station, Scum Pump Station, and Blower Building. The project also includes rehabilitation of two existing secondary clarifiers, existing RAS/WAS Pump Station, and existing Scum Pump Station. An odor control Biofilter was added to the existing headworks. This project includes the installation of yard piping up to 48″ diameter and 42″ diameter flanged ductile iron pipe.
Summary: The expansion upgrade consisted of constructing a new Headworks, a 20′ deep Influent Pump Station, an Oxidation Ditch that holds 2.5 million gallons in each side, a 70′ diameter Clarifier, RAS Pump Station, Tertiary Filter, Ultra Violet Disinfection Center, Post Aeration Basin, and approximately 6,000 feet of 24″ outfall line. The expansion enabled the City of Oxford to consume a daily average of 8 MGD.
Summary: The facility is located on a new 36 acre site. Construction included 40′ deep influent pump station, screen and grit collecting building, two 458’x108’x16.5′ oxidation ditches with a capacity of 5.6 million gallons each, three 105′ clarifiers, disinfection and reclaim water pumping station and UV system, one 50′ sludge thickening tank, two 150’x38’x20′ sludge holding tanks, sludge pumping building, Bio-solids drying building including two centrifuges, 7.5 ton overhead crane and Komline-Sanderson bio-solids dryer, administration and lab building, maintenance building.
Deep Bed Filter and ABW/Chlorine Contact Chamber Conversion Project
Value: $9,600,000
Completed: 2006
Location: Orlando, FL
Summary: The Project is located at the 40-MGD Iron Bridge Water Reclamation Facility. The work included the expansion of the Deep Bed Filter structure, installation of a new process control system, a new Splitter Box, conversion of the ABW Filter structure to a Chlorine Contact Chamber, and the rehabilitation of the existing Chlorine Contact Chamber and the existing Post Aeration Basin.
Summary: The project was to construct a Thermal Biosolids Dryer Facility, dried pellet storage silos, truck scale, a dewatering facility with two centrifuges, chemical storage and feed facilities, liquid sludge receiving and pumping facility. We self-performed the electrical, instrumentation, and control system installation.
Summary: Construction of 4 million gallon cast-in-place concrete basin including 270 pre-stressed auger cast soil anchors, installation of aeration equipment pumping station and modification of existing screen with installation of new waste water grinder.
Summary: Replace raw wastewater pumps, abandon existing primary clarifiers, modify aeration basins, renovate existing filter building and install new UV system and tertiary filters. Construct two new final clarifiers, RAS/WAS pump station and scum pump station.
Muncie Water Pollution Control Facilities Improvements
Value: $11,800,000
Completed: 2002
Location: Muncie, IN
Summary: Install two primary clarifiers, primary sludge and scum pumping station, two waste sludge thickeners, side stream treatment system, septage receiving station, sludge loading facility, two belt presses and digester renovation including new boilers and hydronic piping.
Summary: Install four million gallon pre-stressed equalization basin, influent pumping station and odor control building with Calgon deep bed odor control system.
Thomas P. Smith WRF Improvements – Thermal Sludge Drying Facility
Value: $4,000,000
Location: City of Tallahassee, FL
Summary: Construction of a new 75’x150’x70’ tall Dryer Building to house sludge drying equipment and the installation of the Andritz sludge drying process equipment with a daily capacity of 180 wet tons.
“Union County was impressed with the performance of Adams Robinson on the 12-Mile Creek WRF 7.5 MGD Expansion project and looks forward to your continued success on other projects.”
John Shutak, P.E. CIP Program Manager Union County, North Carolina