Summary: Expansion of Union County’s existing 12 Mile Creek WRF from 7.5 MGD to 9 MGD average flow. This phase of construction includes building a new Influent Pump Station, Odor Control, Clarifier, RAS Pump Station, Chemical Facility, Solids Truck Storage Canopy, 1,500 kW Genset, adding new blower to existing Blower Facility, Solids Building Modifications, UV Modifications, existing Clarifier Modifications, MLSS Distribution Modifications, all associated Yard Piping Additions, Electrical Requirements, and I&C.
Summary: Upgrade and expansion of the North Regional WWTP from 7.5 MGD to 16.5 MGD. The expansion includes a new Secondary Treatment SBR System, upgrades to the existing Headworks, Tertiary Treatment, Ultraviolet Disinfection, and Sludge Digestion Systems.
Summary: Expansion of Johnston County’s existing 4 MGD Wastewater Treatment Facility to an 8 MGD average flow WWTF. This phase of construction consists of (2) new BNR Basins, new Recycled Water Ground Storage Tank, new RCW Pump Station, new RCW Electrical Building, 54″ buried yard pipe, adding Centrifugal Blower and all associated piping to existing Blower Building, and adding new chemical pumps to existing Chemical Facility.
Summary: This upgrade & expansion project includes construction of new Bioreactors and Post Anoxic Tanks, Blower Building, Secondary Clarifier, Filters, UV Disinfection Facility, Utility Water Pumping Station, Cascade Aeration Outfall, Chemical Storage and Feed Facilities, Sitework, Process & Yard Piping, Power Distribution and SCADA Systems to support New Facilities. Retrofit and improvements to existing include modifications to Headworks and Influent Pumping Station, Odor Control System, Bioreactors Tanks, Blower Building, RAS/WAS Pumping Station, Solids Handling Building and Main Control Building.
Summary: The project includes the construction of a new deep bed effluent filter facility including fifteen (15) filter cells, backwash supply and recovery pump stations, air scour blowers, and process piping and electrical system. A new supplemental carbon storage and feed facility and chemical feed ductbank are being constructed to support the new filters and existing ENR process tanks. The upgrade also includes modifications to the existing filters, BNR/ENR tanks, chlorine contact tank, yard piping, electrical infrastructure, and site facilities to support the addition.
“Union County was impressed with the performance of Adams Robinson on the 12-Mile Creek WRF 7.5 MGD Expansion project and looks forward to your continued success on other projects.”
John Shutak, P.E. CIP Program Manager Union County, North Carolina