Summary: Construction of a new Granular Activated Carbon Contactor facility for the existing 35MGD Sweeney Water Treatment Plant. Construction of the contactor facility building including a micropile deep foundation. Installation of contactor feed and backwash pumps. Modification of existing plant piping and electrical systems to accommodate the new facility. Modifications to the existing clearwell and chemical feed systems.
Canal WTP Clearwell & High Service Pump Station Improvements
Value: $46,823,466
Completed: 2021
Location: Columbia, SC
Summary: The Canal WTP is a 50 MGD Drinking Water Treatment Plant servicing the community of Columbia, SC. It has an average output capacity of 50 MGD. The construction project consists of modifications to Clearwells 1 & 2, including the demolition of the existing roofs, installation of drilled shafts, new cast-in-place concrete slabs, walls and decks as well as associated architectural and mechanical components. The project scope also includes the demolition of portions of the existing High Service Pumping Station, the new construction of a High Service Pumping Station, demolition and construction of a new Post Mix Facility, as well as related instrumentation and controls work and associated site work.
Summary: Construct new pumping, conveyance, and treatment facilities and improvements to the existing facilities including upgrades to the Raw Water Pump Station, Waste Handling Facilities, and existing Feed Systems. New Carbon Feed System, Raw Water Metering Vault, Flash Mixer, two 4.5 MGD Process Trains (Flocculation Basins, Sedimentation Basins, Filters, and expansion of the Pipe Gallery and Control Building), 2.5 MGD Clearwell and associated Piping, High Service Pump Station, approximately 2,000 feet of 36″ High Service Water Line, and Hypochlorous Acid Generation System.
Murphree Water Treatment Plant Thickening and Auxiliary Power Project
Value: $4,100,000
Location: Gainesville, FL
Summary: The Project was constructed at the 44-MGD Murphree Water Treatment Plant in Gainesville, Florida. The work included the expansion of the existing chemical building with structural modifications. The work included the construction of a new lime sludge gravity thickener and a new thickened lime sludge pump station. The project also included providing auxiliary power to all motor control centers and other electrical upgrades, and modifications to the plant SCADA system.
W.J. Hooper Water Production Plant Improvements – Phase II
Value: $20,500,000
Location: Stockbridge, GA
Summary: Expand capacity of the existing water production plant to 20 MGD. Work included demolition and removal of existing Sedimentation Basins, Splitter Box, Raw Water Pump Station, High Service Pumps, and Chemical Storage & Feed Facilities. Construct new Raw Water Intake Structure, Raw Water Pump Station, Raw Water Flow Control & Metering Vault, Rapid Mix Basin, Flocculation & Sedimentation Basins, High Service Pump Station, and Chemical Storage & Feed Facility. Install new Air Release Valves on distribution system. Renovate the existing Administration Building and existing Filters, and replace Filter Effluent Transfer Pumps.
Summary: Replace four 200 foot long river intake vertical turbine pumps, four high service pumps and one backwash pump, and four existing Leopold filters. Construct chemical feed facilities, four Kruger Actiflo basins with associated piping, backwash tank, electrical building with gen-set and four Leopold filters.
Summary: Construct new water treatment facility. Work included Superpulsator Clarifier, chemical feed and storage facility, concrete clear well, distribution pumping system, Administration and Lab building and sedimentation basins.
“Union County was impressed with the performance of Adams Robinson on the 12-Mile Creek WRF 7.5 MGD Expansion project and looks forward to your continued success on other projects.”
John Shutak, P.E. CIP Program Manager Union County, North Carolina